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Check back often for the latest tools, resources, and articles to help revitalize your Sabbath School!

Bible Study & Prayer

Prayer Card

This Prayer Card provides an encouraging reminder to prayer for the salvation of others around us.


Coming soon!


Sabbath School ALIVE Mission Program

This ALIVE Tools & Tips outlines a sample Sabbath morning Mission Program to hold the interest and focus on mission.

Where Do My Sabbath School Offerings Go?

A very common question that this article does a fantastic job of answering.


About Sabbath School Alive!

This ALIVE Tools & Tips gives an overview of the Sabbath School Alive! initiative.

Sabbath School Alive! Logo

This is the logo image for the Sabbath School Alive! initiative.

Sabbath School Alive! Template Slides

These PowerPoint presentation templates will help you share the Sabbath School Alive! with your church.

SSPM Promo Flyer

This promotional helps outline the two initiatives of the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries department of the General Conference.