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Website Coming

by December 31

Sabbath School is the heart of the church! It is a common thread that helps bind together Seventh-day Adventists from every part of the world. The Sabbath School Alive! initiative highlights three vital components of thriving Sabbath Schools:

BIBLE STUDY & PRAYER —discover the power of Bible study and prayer in Sabbath School

FELLOWSHIP —experience the joy of fellowship through study and service in Sabbath School

MISSION —gain world mission education and community outreach training in Sabbath School

The power of Sabbath School is that it follows the divine model for true discipleship—Bible study and prayer, fellowship, and mission. Sabbath School Alive! provides training and resources to help every local church:

  • Teach inspiring and practical Sabbath School classes
  • Effectively incorporate mission into Sabbath School
  • Reclaim inactive members through Sabbath School
  • And much more!


Soon here at you will find more helpful resources to revitalize your Sabbath School.